Privacy Policy

The User (characterized underneath) of this Application (characterized beneath), consents to be limited by this privacy policy ("policy "). In the occasion the agreements of the Arrangement are not pleasant to the User, the User is mentioned to abstain from utilizing this Application.

(“Developer”) is worried about the security of the information and data of the Users getting to the Application, SHREE CLASSES, and the other related/subordinate applications, sites and administrations oversaw by the Developer ("Application") and generally captivating with the Developer through the Application.

This Policy is a legitimately restricting report between the User and Developer. The conditions of this Approach will be viable upon the User's acknowledgment of the equivalent (straightforwardly or by implication in electronic structure, by utilization of the Application) and will oversee the connection between the User and Developer.

This Approach frames an electronic agreement inside the arrangements of the Data Innovation Act, 2000 ("IT Act"), the guidelines made thereunder and the changed arrangements relating to electronic archives/records in different rules as altered by the IT Act, now and again. This Arrangement requires no physical, electronic or computerized signature.

This Policy will, consistently be perused and understood in consonance and alongside the terms of purpose and access accessible at ("T&Cs").

Developer won't separate between who is utilizing the gadget to get to the Application, inasmuch as the sign in/access accreditations coordinate with yours. To utilize the Application and empower your Data (characterized underneath) to be caught precisely on the Application, it is fundamental that you have signed in utilizing your own certifications.

This Policy features entomb alia the kind of information shared/gathered from a User throughout the User's utilization of the Application. The Arrangement further expects to advise the User about the reasons for which the information of the User is gathered and the Application's Policy as to imparting such private data to outsider substances.

As utilized thus, "you", "User" or "Users" will mean (as the setting might require) the accompanying:

(a) such people who are making User Content and distributers who distribute the User Content on the Application ("Coach"); or

(b) any individual who uses or gets to/sees the Time4learning Stage as well as profits the Administrations on any PC, cell phone, tablet, console, or other gadget

The expressions "We"/"Us"/"Our" separately and by and large allude to and are inseparable from the term 'Developer' and the expressions "You"/"Your"/"Yourself" are to be interpreted to be inseparable from the term 'User'.

All characterized terms utilized inside this Policy however not explicitly characterized thus will draw their importance from the definition attributed to such terms under the T&Cs.


Developer may over the span of the User's utilization of the Application gather the accompanying individual and non-individual data and such other data from the Users for getting to the Application ("Data"), as a feature of the intentional enlistment process, any on-line study or cooperation on the Application or blend thereof, as might be expected occasionally. The Data will be gathered to direct procedure on the Application. The Application gathers or can demand the underneath referenced Data from the Users:

1.1 Individual Data:

(a) Name of the User;

(b) Phone number (versatile or potentially home as well as option) of the User;

 (c) Email Id (essential/elective) of the User;

(d) Individual data from the cell phone of the User, for example, their contact list including the name, telephone number and the email address of the contact;

(e) Personal information from the mobile device of the User such as their contact list including the name, phone number and the email address of the contact;.

1.2 Non-Individual data:

(a) Details of internet or telecom service provider of the User;

(b) Area of a User;

(c) Type of internet browser being used by the User; and

(d) Such other information that may be required to access and operate the Application.

1.3 The Coach concurs and confirms that the Data gathered by the Guide and imparted to the Developer has been so gathered by acquiring the essential assents from the Users (in the event that Users are above legitimate age and from the guardians/lawful gatekeepers of the Users on the off chance that the Users are beneath lawful age) as expected under appropriate regulation. The assent taken incorporates the option to gather, store and disperse the Data.

1.4 Kindly note that notwithstanding the abovementioned, the term of purpose of the Application by the User may likewise be logged and put away by the Application.

1.5 The Data might be gathered and additionally put away in electronic structure, nonetheless, Developer is thus approved by the User to gather/store such data in actual structure also.

1.6 The Developer might impart the Data of a User to any outsider elements subject to such substances embracing sensible wellbeing norms concerning the utilization of such Data.


Each User thusly addresses and warrants to the Developer that:

(a) all Data given by the User is valid, right, current and refreshed;

(b) all Data given by the User and the arrangement of such Data by the User doesn't in any way disregard any outsider understanding, regulation, announcement, request or judgment;

(c) all Data given by the User has a place with no outsider, and in the event that it has a place with an outsider, the User is properly approved by such Outsider to utilize, access and spread such Data;

(d) the officials, chiefs, project workers or specialists of Developer will not be mindful in any way at all concerning the validness or veracity of the Data that a User might give to the Application; and

(e) the User will reimburse and hold innocuous Developer and every one of its officials, chiefs, agreements or specialists and any outsider depending on the Data given by the User in the occasion the User is in break of this Arrangement.

Developer addresses and warrants to each User that:

(a) it will not gather the User's touchy individual information except if such delicate individual information is gathered for a legal reason for which such assortment of information is important;

(b) it will not hold any touchy individual information for longer than such delicate individual information is required or can be legitimately utilized;

(c) in the occasion Developer gathers Data straightforwardly from the User, Developer will put forth sensible attempt to notify the User about the motivation behind such assortment of Data, the planned beneficiary of the Data and the subtleties of the organizations gathering and holding the Data; and

(d) it has set up the security practices and strategies recommended under the Data Innovation (Sensible Security Practices and Systems and Touchy Individual Information or Data) Rules, 2011 ("IT Rules").


All Data gathered/put away by the Application will be utilized for:

(a) giving data about new instructive items and administrations to the Users;

(b) to work on the current Application and administration contributions ceaselessly;

(c) to direct research and studies;

(d) to execute the important security practices to guarantee that all private information are safeguarded;

(e) to control the User accounts in typical course of business;

(f) to contact the Users in the event that where misrepresentation, criminal operations or break of security is recorded;

(g) to empower the representatives of or people following up for the benefit of the Developer to speak with the User, as and when essential, to offer the types of assistance mentioned by such User;

(h) such different purposes that Developer, at its only tact, but dependent upon the standards contained in this Policy, may consider fit.


Each User thusly explicitly concurs that Developer might share the Data gathered from such User with its subsidiaries, representatives, and such others and establishments situated inside or outside India now and again to guarantee effective administration of Use traffic, to recognize and forestall wholesale fraud and other unlawful demonstrations, and to answer legitimate, legal, semi legal policing or regarding an examination on issues connected with public security, as required and allowed by regulation and for such different purposes that the Developer might consider fit occasionally.


Developer will hold Data however long is sensibly fundamental comparable to the reasons for which this information was gathered. In many cases, Developer will hold Data that is fundamental for activity of the Application by the User, which might incorporate keeping up with this Data past when the User stops utilizing the Application.

Notwithstanding, all Data relating to visits and understudy side test endeavors will be held by Developer for a base time of a long time from date of receipt of such Data, after which such Data, whenever considered fit by the Developer, will be eradicated from the Developer servers and data sets.


7.1 Developer gets it and recognizes the significance of safety and insurance of the Data gave by as well as gathered from the Users. In accordance with the equivalent, Developer will put forth the best attempts to guarantee assurance of Data by utilization of such safety efforts and projects that it might consider fit for the reason. We will utilize best endeavors to safeguard the Data against any unapproved, unlawful and fake utilization of such Data by outsiders.

7.2 Despite anything going against the norm, Developer will not be considered liable for any misfortune, harm or abuse of the Data caused to the User, on the off chance that such misfortune, harm or abuse is owing to an occasion past the control of or inferable from Developer or a power majeure occasion.

7.3 The Mentor will utilize the Data just as approved and as essential for the activity of the Application and will be exclusively mindful and at risk for proper capacity and dispersal of the Data. The Developer will not be responsible for any unapproved or illegal use, stockpiling or dissemination of Data by the Coach.

7.4 Developer will guarantee that the Application will embrace fitting encryption and safety efforts to forestall any hacking of the data of the Users and outsiders and will guarantee that the User will not be needed or requested to uncover any Data, which might be biased to the interests of the User. Right now, the substance accessible on the Application is encoded with AES 256 encryption where the information moves are gotten with HTTPS got conventions and video content is conveyed through HLS conventions.

7.5 Developer will involve the Data gathered from the Users as per relevant regulations including however not restricted to the IT Act and the standards made thereunder and utilize the Data just for the reason for which it was outfitted.

7.6 Developer has proper physical, electronic and administrative methodology comparable to the Application. The servers of the Application are open just to the approved faculty and any Data of the User will be imparted to the approved staff just on a restricted information diet to work with the administrations mentioned by the User. Developer will try to shield the privacy of a User's by and by recognizable data, be that as it may, the transmissions made through the Web can't be made totally secure by the Application. The User concurs and recognizes that Developer will not be obligated for revelation of any data because of mistakes in transmission or any unapproved demonstrations of outsiders.

7.7 The User concurs and recognizes that Developer will be qualified for share the Data where such sharing is fundamental for the legitimate exhibition of the legally binding commitments existing among Developer and the User and for such purposes as it might consider fit, in any case, the divulgence of Data will be as per this Policy, the IT Act and the standards made thereunder.


The User has the choice of not giving its Data to the Developer. Further, Data gave as well as gathered by the Developer might be removed out of the blue during or as per utilization of the Application by a User. Users covetous of pulling out the Data will send an email to the complaint official and solicitation for such withdrawal. The Developer may ensuing to such withdrawal of data, at its only tact proceed or suspend the arrangement of its administrations to such User.


The User might report infringement of break of security, Data or recognize robbery or complaints according to the Data shared, gathered, put away or dispersed by Developer comparable to the Application, to the complaint official. The subtleties of the complaint official are as beneath:

Attn: Deenpendra saini

Address: 6th Floor, Sansthan Path, Jhalana Gram, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302017

Email Address:


Developer maintains whatever authority is needed to change or refresh this Approach whenever without notice to the User. Such updates or changes to these Approach will produce results from the date showed in the refreshed Arrangement. You are encouraged to survey our Arrangement occasionally for any changes.


This Arrangement is administered and understood as per laws of India. In case of any debate emerging between the gatherings concerning this Policy, the question will be alluded to an arbitral council containing 3 (three) referees, wherein each party will designate one authority and the third mediator will be delegated by the previously mentioned two judges; and the assertion will be led as per the Indian Discretion and Appeasement Demonstration of 1996. The language of discretion continuing will be English. The seat and scene of intervention will be New Delhi, India and the choice of the authority will be conclusive and restricting on the gatherings. Dependent upon this mediation statement for debate goal, this Arrangement will be dependent upon the selective purview of courts in New Delhi, India.


To enroll on the Application, you should meet the Age Prerequisites determined hereinbelow. In the event that you are a 'Minor' or 'Kid', i.e., a person who doesn't meet the Age Necessities, then you may not enlist on the Application, and just your parent can enroll for your sake, consent to all Application T&Cs and empower admittance to you under their direction and oversight.

While a portion of our administrations might require assortment of a Minor or Youngster's own data, we don't purposely gather such private data. In the occasion a Minor or Youngster uses the Application, it is expected that he/she has gotten the assent of the parent/legitimate watchman and such use is made accessible by the guardians or lawful gatekeeper.

Developer won't be liable for any outcomes that emerge because of abuse of our Application, that might happen by uprightness of any individual including a Minor or Youngster enlisting on the Application. Developer maintains all authority to end your membership and/or decline to give you admittance to the Application in the event that it is found that you don't meet the Age Necessities and the agree to utilize the Application isn't given by your parent/lawful watchman. We will likewise do whatever it may take to eliminate such data from our servers.

In the event that you are a parent/legitimate watchman and you know that your kid has furnished us with individual data without your assent, if it's not too much trouble, reach us at

Assuming your Youngster faces tormenting, misuse or badgering while at the same time profiting our Administrations, kindly get in touch with us at

Age prerequisites to enlist and utilize the Application ("Age Necessities"):

On the off chance that you are an inhabitant of India or Australia, you probably achieved no less than eighteen (18) years old, to enlist and utilize the Application, or, in all likelihood act under parental assent.

On the off chance that you are an occupant of Singapore, you probably achieved no less than thirteen (13) years old to enroll and utilize the Application, or, in all likelihood act under parental assent.

In the event that you are an occupant of South Korea, you probably achieved something like fourteen (14) years old to enlist and utilize the Application, or, more than likely demonstration under parental assent.

In the event that you are an occupant of Vietnam, you probably achieved something like sixteen (16) years old to enlist and utilize the Application, or, more than likely demonstration under parental assent.